This story is WILD...or rather, from the wild.
Two guys are enjoying a day on the water, kayaking the Strait of Magellan off Chile’s Patagonian coast. Little did they know, they were almost the main characters in a Moby Dick reboot!
I’m not sure what all of the words that were said in this video mean, but I can tell you I know that “tranquillo” means stay calm, and that is the absolute last thing you will find me doing after being eaten, and spit back out, by a whale.
Now, before you start picturing a Jonah-and-the-whale situation, thankfully, this wasn’t that dramatic. Humpback whales don’t actually have throats big enough to swallow a human. The whales were simply feeding, and the kayaker got in the way.
Still...imagine being inside a whale’s mouth, even for a few seconds. The sheer terror. The smell. THE SLIME. The...whale-ness of it all.
No thank you.
The whole incident is a stark reminder that nature is powerful, unpredictable, and sometimes, just plain terrifying. Also, maybe stick to whale watching from a boat. Just a thought.