Break the Stigma

All year long, X106.5 works to help #breakthestigma on mental health and bringing attention to the prevention of suicide is imperative to that cause. It’s taken the lives our loved ones, our friends, and even some of our favorite musicians. We want to work to do whatever we can to remind those struggling that there IS another way. Hope is real, help is real, your story is important. So this month, we invite you to JOIN US in continuing to help #breakthestigma on mental health and PREVENT suicide! So… how do you do that? Well, it STARTS with talking about it. Whether you’re feeling upset and alone, or know someone who is, don’t be afraid to start those conversations. Send a text, call on Facetime, or hey… send a meme! Not being afraid to talk about how we feel is the first step to healing ourselves and helping others.

SELF-CARE! This is an important aspect of mental health you can focus on this month! We are juggling A LOT right now. Some of us are working from home, some of us are SCARED to go back to work or school, and some of us just want to hide and watch Tik Tok videos all day. The weight of all of that is heavy. You may have found yourself tossing and turning at night, crying for no reason (guilty), or just walking around with a pit in your stomach. Find little moments in your day you can create peace for yourself. Whether it’s going on a walk with the PERFECT playlist, calling your Mom and venting, or just cooking something REALLY delicious and watching your favorite Netflix show, figure out what making time FOR YOU looks like and make it a priority every day.

Remember, you are never alone, and you will ALWAYS have options. You make today better and we need you. You are not alone in your feelings right now. We’re in this together.

Want more ways to help? If it’s resources you need, please reach out to our partners at The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. For more information and their resources, go to There, you can locate your nearest chapter, sign up for their Out of the Darkness Awareness walks, or find ways to become more educated on signs of depression. If you or someone you know needs urgent help, please contact 1-800-273-TALK.

You can also follow along as we continue to team up with some of your favorite artists for interviews, live streams, and social media experiences to get us through tough times that unfortunately because the way things have been, feel lonelier than ever. And hey, got something on your mind? New music to share? WE ARE HERE! Drop us a DM and lets start talking. (Twitter: @x1065jax Instagram: @x106.5 Facebook: @x106.5)

Now lets #BreakTheStigma.

With so much love, Sam and the entire 97X family.❤